crawdad you fell off, man!

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End of summer news post

Posted by Crawdad - August 31st, 2024

This summer was a very interesting time for me. I learned a lot about who I want to be as a person and strive for in the future, career, family, relationships wise. I've learned a lot about myself this summer and finally became comfortable and content with who I am as a person. So with that stated, let's get on with the show.

This past month hasn't been the most accomplished in full art pieces but I have been posting daily drawings on my Twitter account if any of you want to follow it to see more of my work. I mainly only post doodles on there because that's really all I've been doing for the past few weeks, so if you wanna check that out my Twitter handle is @cravvdad (with 2 v's), any followers would be appreciated.

Anyway how has summer been for all of you? I wanna try connecting with the small audience I have in a way so if any of you have stuff to share, I'd be grateful to hear about it.

So concluding that, I think it's time to make a conclusion and get on with September. With school started it's high time I get my shit together in that department, so sadly art output may not be as reliable as it was a few months back. My dearest apologies to anyone who gives a shit. So with that stated, thank you all for reasing this uneventful and short boring news post, and I'll see you all at the end of September. I've been Crawdad, and, goodnight.iu_1262224_8900462.webp




well, summer for me is still going. there's pretty much nothing interesting to say, school started since months ago and it's been kinda sressful because the obvious reason, but also because i'm can easy be stressed with noisy spaces (this counts on public place or any place with loud noise as well); i'm seeing my friends and other mates as well, which is cool. Oh and ig i'm a emo/scene now, :p.
As the summer still goes, there are some things i'm wanting and planning to do to expand my potencial :) now i'm learning about animation by my own. I may be not an expert starting but it's cool to learn new things, especially things you like.

I'm excited to see how some of your animations will turn out. You're a great artist on your own and you have a great amount of perspective in all your art. Good luck with any future projects buddy

hi crawdad, you make amazing art. ik someone has probably told you that already but i just want to remind you

Oh my thank you man. That means a lot to hear.