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Crawdad's News

Posted by Crawdad - 2 weeks ago



Have you seen this CD?

Reward: 100,000,000 Fulp Dollars

I found a mysterious image of this CD alongside another physical version of Watermelon, (Dan Paladin's 2006 album) while trying to find screenshots from Synj.net before it was shut down via the Wayback machine, in which I stumbled across a mysterious stack of Dad n' Me soundtrack/(possibly console ports?) discs. It didn't cross my mind when I initially discovered it how obscure and interesting this piece of physical media really is. I wanna take it upon myself to locate the whereabouts of these CD's any way I possibly can. If any original and active newgrounds users know where to start, I'd be happy to take a lead on locating the whereabouts of this eyebrow-raiser of lost media.

Possible Leads/Starting Points

  • Direct Messaging Dan Paladin
  • Contacting Dustball, The composer for Dad n' Me (assuming the disc contains the music from the game)

I'm determined to find out what happened or where these CD's lie today, and if anyone else who's curious wants to join me, I'd be happy to accept your help.

I've been Crawdad, and goodnight.



Posted by Crawdad - November 11th, 2024

You heard it here first, folks. I have a Bluesky!

At first I was pretty hesitant of making one of these because even after all Musk does to mess Twitter up, I never really bring myself to bite the bullet and leave. Now this doesn't mean I'll be leaving twitter permanently, it's just that art output is gonna be a lot slower there due to the new ai art buffet it's become especially for new artists who are trying to discover a new platform. I've come to notice that even without tagging or even a large following on bluesky, your posts tend to reach relatively wide across the algorithm, which is definitely a feature I can get behind.

TLDR; art output and doodles are going to bluesky as well as here, and twitter is being essentially abandoned.

Let me know if any of you have bluesky's you'd like me to follow and I'd be happy to oblige. Thanks for reading as always, im grateful for each and every one of you sticking around, and I promise I've got a ton of ideas brewing up in here.

Anyway catch yall later, I'm heading to the Blue Skies!!!




Posted by Crawdad - August 31st, 2024

This summer was a very interesting time for me. I learned a lot about who I want to be as a person and strive for in the future, career, family, relationships wise. I've learned a lot about myself this summer and finally became comfortable and content with who I am as a person. So with that stated, let's get on with the show.

This past month hasn't been the most accomplished in full art pieces but I have been posting daily drawings on my Twitter account if any of you want to follow it to see more of my work. I mainly only post doodles on there because that's really all I've been doing for the past few weeks, so if you wanna check that out my Twitter handle is @cravvdad (with 2 v's), any followers would be appreciated.

Anyway how has summer been for all of you? I wanna try connecting with the small audience I have in a way so if any of you have stuff to share, I'd be grateful to hear about it.

So concluding that, I think it's time to make a conclusion and get on with September. With school started it's high time I get my shit together in that department, so sadly art output may not be as reliable as it was a few months back. My dearest apologies to anyone who gives a shit. So with that stated, thank you all for reasing this uneventful and short boring news post, and I'll see you all at the end of September. I've been Crawdad, and, goodnight.iu_1262224_8900462.webp



Posted by Crawdad - July 30th, 2024

Well that's a wrap. July was a pretty good month for me! I didn't publicly announce it considering I don't really like the attention online but I celebrated my birthday on the 17th with family. I got some pretty neat gifts like the first 2 box sets for the one piece manga series, aforementioned in a previous news post, along with the first 3 volumes of the neon genesis evangelion manga series. I'd watched the anime a bit ago and loved it on a personal level, so I decided to give the manga a shot. I'll probably follow up on my opinions on that series in an upcoming news post. On top of those, I also got some scott pilgrim tees, and I have 2 figurines on the way that I'm still waiting to receive, those being the boyfriend figurine from needlejuice records' website and the scott pilgrim figurine which i plan to pose next to my collection of scott pilgrim graphic novels. thanks in advance to @ivanalmighty and @phantomarcade for putting together such an accurate and charming figurine for the boyfriend. Hope life is treating you two well.


Anyway, let's talk about art! I've been pretty active in the art game recently, even getting scouted finally, so with that hopefully I can dish out enough art pieces to finally make a name for myself on here! I also finally managed to make a small reference sheet for my oc that I'm sure you are all familiar with by now, catnap. Here are a few recent art pieces I'm proud of that I've posted this year!

Let's change up the pace and get into how I'm doing in terms of mental health, art production, and my general thoughts. My mental health has definitely been better since last I'd made a public announcement on here, so that's definitely a positive. I don't expect it to last super long though since starting August 30th I believe, school is gonna be starting back up, so naturally not too thrilled about that! I'll do a small and quick summer recap in next month's update so stay tuned for that if any of you guys care. In terms of art production, this particular week I've found myself in a bit of a slump in my artistic talent. The yips as some call them. I have been working on an art trade with a certain person you may recognize, so look forward to that in the near future once I get a design laid out. After fooling around and warming up in a whiteboard, I think I've finally found the push I need to get back into the groove of pushing out art steadily again! Thank you all for your support in my artistic journey on here, you all mean the world to me.

To conclude, this July was a very productive month for yours truly, and I hope it's been treating you all well too!

Until next time, I've been Crawdad, and goodnight!iu_1243923_8900462.webp



Posted by Crawdad - June 17th, 2024

welcome to the next installment of crawdad's semi monthly news posts. we've got quite a lot to talk about on tonight's episode so buckle in fellas.

ladies and gentlemen please give a warm welcome to the one the only Crawdad.

walks out onto stage

hello everybody how is everyone tonight.

an unexpected barrage of tomatoes and boo's erupt from the crowd

aw what the fuck dude this is a new suit and everything- get off the stage jackass

fuck you crawdad

kill yourself!

i knew i should have stayed in bed today -drum and cymbal sfx followed by laugh track over muffled cursing from the crowd-

we'll be right back after these messages!

ah that was fun. but I do have news to share with yall.

As most of you know it's summer now so I have plenty of time to make some art to hold you guys off till I find the motivation to make some finished stuff, which I do have something in store right now, but I won't make any promises since I've been historically bad with dates on here regarding art.

so yeah speaking of school being out, how were final exams to all my homies out there still dealing with school? I was pretty certain mine would be hell due to a certain event that I may or may not touch on later in this post depending on whether I feel the need to let yall know that much about my life. I am just a guy on the internet after all.

So yeah, final exams? Mine were fine. I was pretty messed up due to the aforementioned event so I was certain I was gonna bomb that class, but luckily with some stroke of luck or just fate, I ended up actually passing geometry which means I don't have to retake that piece of shit class.

I'm going to the career tech center next year for school and the course I'm taking apparently counts for 3rd or 4th year math credits (I can't remember which)

So yeah. Junior year is said to be the hardest which I'm not enthusiastic about, but I plan to lock in next year as to not worry about missing work like I did this previous semester.

Anyway enough school talk, it's summer. Time to do summer things like go outside, spend time with friends, do the hobbies you enjoy, kiss people, wait wtf. Kiss people? That's right everybody you heard it hear first folks. Fabled internet goonerbrain Crawdad got a kiss from a GIRL! and it was cool I guess:p

But all good things must come to an end I suppose so allow me to weave you all the watered down and less personal story of my shortly lived relationship.

I'd started this relationship a few weeks before school was officially about to close, so I was super stoked to have the whole summer to spend with her. We ended up going to our local yearly carnival together and do a ton of romantic stuff which I never experienced, which was pretty cool to say the least. And on top of that we ended up tagging along with a couple of mutual friends between the two of us and doing a ton of fun stuff together including us both waiting for one of our friends to finish one of those little picture box games at playgrounds where you need to organize the boxes to make a picture which in this case ended up being a frog which took him like and hour to finish. (fuckin dumbass) and when the night was over we all said goodbye and went home. So yeah a great night all around, I'd never really spent that much time with people outside of school and it felt nice to finally live a little especially with a girl by my side. But a couple weeks later blah blah blah I'm not going into detail but to be frank about it, I no longer have a girlfriend, which aforementionedly (is that a word?) fucked me up pretty bad especially with final exams coming up. But hey, I pushed through and now I'm doing just a-ok. It was a small slump that I found myself in but eventually crawled my way out of as one does.

But enough of the mushy sob story, any of yall seen any good movies lately? I've personally been super into the planet of the apes series with my dad as of recent and just watched mad max fury road earlier today. Some great cinema for sure. Speaking of entertainment, any of yall been keeping up with smiling friends? Man what a series. Props to Zach and Michael, this show is a blessing.

Anyway to conclude this news post let's talk about future endeavors and how I plan to spend my summer. As I said before, I definitely plan to dish out a lot of new stuff for yall so just give me a bit to add some final touches to this new piece and we'll be off and running. Here's a hint: we we're talking about school right? That's your only hint, it's school related. Anyway I hope yall like it because I certainly do so far.

I plan to spend this summer socializing with friends and family as much as I can and really taking summer in as an experience and not so much as a 3 month excuse to sit in bed and do nothing. I wanna do new things this summer, meet new people, hell, maybe even fall in love again. But eh, time will tell.

I hope you all are having as great a summer as I'm having so far and once again I'd like to thank you all for sticking around. I can't express how grateful I am for such a tight knit community like you guys. Goodnight newgrounds. Crawdad signing off.





Posted by Crawdad - May 4th, 2024

i feel like im not at the same high i was at a bit ago because of people dragging me into dumb drama that im not a part of at all. all my art i pour time into flops and i feel like i'll never make a name for myself on here. This combined with my geometry grade at the moment has me really stressed since if I fail geometry I'll have to retake it and I really don't wanna go through that. Math got me pissed. It's not even important in the slightest. Why do we need to learn every single miniscule math detail and topic and be expected to use it daily forever. We don't need all this! It's clogging up my brain and I'm honestly sick of it. I'm getting these missing assignments taken care of one by one though so hopefully that combined with my surprisingly good relationship with my geometry teacher will bump me up to a passing grade before finals in a few weeks.

Anyway enough of that, I got into one piece and one punch man so that's cool. I'm definitely starting go become a big manga fan, cause I'm also reading dragon ball and dragon ball super. I believe Yotsuba&! Was the first manga I've read which is kind of an obscure choice but it was a good introduction with only 15 volumes I belive so now I think i'm ready to take on the (107?????) volume manga that is one piece. I started it via my school library but they only went up to 20 so I gotta cover the rest. Luckily Amazon provides box sets that I can buy to minimize the wait time of ordering volumes one at a time. I'm excited to hop back in once I get enough dough to get the first one. Definitely an expensive endeavor. I don't know why i torture my wallet with manga instead of watching the animes lol. Physical media be damned I guess.

I watched that new digital circus and played the Funkin WeekEnd 1 update.

I didn't care for digital circus the first time over but this new episode was definitely more compelling. Still hate Jax though. That negative motherfucker should be the next one to abstract. I usually find glitch studios stuff to be uninteresting at best which is how I felt with murder drones. I find the atmosphere of the show to be way too slow paced and there's this weird dark overtone that makes it really hard to tell what's even going on. I can tolerate helluva boss because of animation mostly but other than that I've never been much of an indie YouTube show kinda guy. Smiling friends moral orel type shit for me tbh. But to celebrate this occasion I drew the gal herselfiu_1199032_8900462.webp

Anyway onto fnf. I played the update, but due to me being terrible at the game I just watched the game play and that was good enough for me. It's nice to know they didn't run off with the 2mil and blew it on coke but I can help but think they must have spent a little of it on that ;p

Anyhow good update, great art n animation, great music, polished game play, overall a nice gift to Tom on his special day. Love u, Tom!

So hopefully with summer break right around the corner I'll be able to dish out plenty of new stuff for yall and get this account off the ground again. I appreciate everyone who's stuck around and bared with me. Thank you all. Anyway I've been crawdad goodnight everybody I'll be here all week -studio applause sfx-iu_1199033_8900462.webp



Posted by Crawdad - December 26th, 2023

Wow. It's over already? What a year it's been. I had my ups and I had my downs.

I felt my art got way better this year and I finally got a tablet for my birthday in July so I can actually draw. Sophomore year is kinda terrible so far though.. isn't all of high school, though? Let's get to some positives though. I've gained lots more followers and support this year and became good friends with some awesome people. Thank you to

@vonschloss: we interact a lot more on twitter but you're one of the funniest and chillest people I've ever met online. Thanks for being such an awesome friend and cool guy. I really appreciate you

@Luis: you're probably one of the coolest people I've ever met on ng. Its awesome to be friends with such an amazing artist like you. Thanks for always being a great moral compass too. You always give great advice and insight. Thank you man. You're amazing.

Christmas time!


I got the bridge kids t-shirt along with a custom made thank you card with a little Isaiah add on with a signed signature from the bridge kids.


Thank you @mikecarf and @nihaho!

I got that astro boy t-shirt that Scott Pilgrim wears, along with an astro boy figure and book. I love astro boy<3

I got a few lego sets, some pants, and lots of candy. What did you guys get?

Thank you to everyone for putting up a with me this year! I appreciate everyone who's sticking around to see my artwork. Love you all<3
